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Quiet Eye Training Improves Accuracy In Basketball Field Goal Shooting

Basketball Field Goal Shooting

Shooting a basketball is one of the most challenging skills in sports. It requires a combination of accuracy, coordination, and concentration that few athletes can master. However, a new training method called Quiet Eye Training (QET) is helping basketball players of all levels improve their shooting accuracy.

What is Quiet Eye Training?

Quiet Eye Training

Quiet Eye Training is a technique that was developed by Dr. Joan Vickers, a sports psychology researcher at the University of Calgary. QET is based on the idea that focusing your gaze on a specific target for a certain period of time can improve your accuracy in sports.

QET involves three main steps. Firstly, the athlete is taught to identify a specific target, usually the basket or the rim, where they want to shoot the ball. Secondly, they are instructed to focus their gaze on the target for a certain period of time, usually around 3-5 seconds. Finally, they are asked to execute the shot without losing focus on the target.

How Does Quiet Eye Training Work?

How Does Quiet Eye Training Work?

The science behind QET is based on the principle of "perceptual-motor integration". This means that the brain processes visual information differently depending on the type of movement required. In other words, if you are trying to make a precise movement, such as shooting a basketball, your brain will process visual information differently than if you were just looking at something.

Research has shown that when athletes use QET, their brain is able to process visual information more efficiently, which leads to better accuracy in their shot. This is because the athlete's gaze is focused on the target, which allows their brain to accurately perceive the distance, direction, and angle required to make the shot.

Benefits of Quiet Eye Training

Benefits Of Quiet Eye Training

There are many benefits to using QET for basketball players. Here are just a few:

  • Improved Accuracy: As mentioned earlier, QET can improve the accuracy of your shot by allowing your brain to process visual information more efficiently.
  • Increased Consistency: QET can also help players become more consistent in their shooting by reducing variability in their technique.
  • Better Decision Making: Using QET can also help players make better decisions on the court by allowing them to focus on what is most important.
  • Reduced Anxiety: Finally, using QET can help players reduce anxiety and perform better under pressure by allowing them to stay focused on their target.

How to Incorporate Quiet Eye Training into Your Basketball Practice

How To Incorporate Quiet Eye Training Into Your Basketball Practice

If you want to incorporate QET into your basketball practice, here are some tips:

  • Start Slowly: Begin by practicing QET for short periods of time, such as 3-5 seconds. As you become more comfortable, you can increase the length of time you focus on the target.
  • Focus on the Process: When practicing QET, focus on the process, not the outcome. Don't worry about whether or not the shot goes in, just focus on your gaze and your technique.
  • Practice with a Partner: Having a partner can be helpful when practicing QET. They can help you identify the target and give you feedback on your technique.
  • Incorporate QET into Your Routine: Finally, make QET a regular part of your practice routine. The more you practice, the more comfortable and effective you will become.


Quiet Eye Training is a simple but effective technique that can help basketball players of all levels improve their accuracy and consistency in shooting. By focusing your gaze on a specific target for a period of time, your brain is able to process visual information more efficiently, which leads to better accuracy in your shot. If you want to take your basketball game to the next level, try incorporating QET into your practice routine.

Related video of Quiet Eye Training Improves Accuracy In Basketball Field Goal Shooting