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Best Basketball Drills For 9-10 Year Olds

Basketball Drills For Kids

As a coach or parent of a 9-10 year old basketball player, you may be wondering what the best basketball drills are for this age group. At this age, children are still developing their fundamental basketball skills and need drills that will help them improve their coordination, ball handling, shooting, passing, and defense. Here are some of the best basketball drills for 9-10 year olds:

Dribbling Drills

Dribbling Drills For Kids

Dribbling is one of the most important skills that a basketball player can have. Here are some effective dribbling drills for 9-10 year olds:

  • Two-ball dribble: Have each player dribble two basketballs at the same time while moving up and down the court. This drill helps improve coordination and ball handling skills.
  • Figure eight dribble: Place cones in the shape of a figure eight and have players dribble through the cones while changing hands. This drill helps improve dribbling, ball handling, and agility.
  • Obstacle course: Set up an obstacle course with cones or chairs and have players dribble through the course while avoiding the obstacles. This drill helps improve dribbling and agility.

Shooting Drills

Basketball Shooting Drills For Kids

Shooting is another important skill that basketball players need to develop. Here are some effective shooting drills for 9-10 year olds:

  • Layup drill: Have players practice layups from both sides of the basket. This drill helps improve shooting and coordination.
  • Form shooting: Have players practice shooting from close range, focusing on their form and technique. This drill helps improve shooting accuracy and technique.
  • Spot shooting: Have players shoot from various spots on the court, focusing on their footwork and technique. This drill helps improve shooting accuracy and footwork.

Passing Drills

Basketball Passing Drills For Kids

Passing is a fundamental skill that all basketball players need to develop. Here are some effective passing drills for 9-10 year olds:

  • Partner passing: Have players partner up and practice passing to each other from various distances and angles. This drill helps improve passing accuracy and technique.
  • Circle passing: Have players stand in a circle and pass the ball around, focusing on their footwork and technique. This drill helps improve passing accuracy and footwork.
  • 2-on-1 passing: Have two offensive players practice passing the ball to each other while being defended by one defender. This drill helps improve passing accuracy under pressure.

Defense Drills

Basketball Defense Drills For Kids

Defense is an important aspect of basketball that players need to develop. Here are some effective defense drills for 9-10 year olds:

  • 1-on-1 defense: Have players practice defending one another one-on-one. This drill helps improve defensive footwork and technique.
  • Shell drill: Have players practice defending various offensive plays in a controlled setting. This drill helps improve defensive communication and teamwork.
  • Closeout drill: Have players practice closing out on offensive players and defending the perimeter. This drill helps improve defensive footwork and technique.

By incorporating these basketball drills into your practice sessions, you can help your 9-10 year old basketball players improve their fundamental skills and become better all-around players. Remember to keep the drills fun and engaging, and to focus on positive reinforcement and encouragement. With consistent practice and dedication, your young players can continue to improve and develop their skills on the basketball court.

Related video of Best Basketball Drills For 9-10 Year Olds