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3 Tests To Assess Motor Ability For Basketball

Basketball Players Jumping

Basketball is a sport that demands high levels of motor ability, such as agility, speed, and coordination. Therefore, if you want to excel in basketball, you must have a good motor ability. The good news is that motor ability is a trainable skill that can be improved over time through consistent practice and proper training. However, before you start training, it's essential to assess your current motor ability level. In this article, we'll discuss three tests to help you determine your motor ability for basketball.

1. Vertical Jump Test

Vertical Jump Test

The vertical jump test is a common test used to assess lower body power, which is essential in basketball. The test measures the height a person can jump from a standing position. To perform this test, stand next to a wall and reach up with your arm to mark the highest point you can reach. Next, stand with your side facing the wall and jump as high as you can with your arm extended to touch the wall. Measure the distance between the standing reach height and the highest point you touched on the wall. This distance is your vertical jump height.

The average vertical jump height for male basketball players is around 28 inches, while for female basketball players, it's around 24 inches. However, elite basketball players can jump higher than 40 inches. Therefore, your goal should be to improve your vertical jump height over time through proper training.

2. 3-Cone Drill Test

3-Cone Drill Test

The 3-cone drill test is a popular agility test that measures how quickly a person can change directions while running. The test is also known as the L-drill because the cones are set up in an L-shape. To perform this test, place three cones five yards apart in an L-shape. Begin at the starting cone, sprint to the cone on the side, touch the ground, sprint to the opposite cone, touch the ground, and then sprint back through the starting cone. The timer starts on your first movement and stops when you cross the finish line.

The average time for a male basketball player to complete the 3-cone drill test is around 8 seconds, while for female basketball players, it's around 9 seconds. However, elite basketball players can complete the test in less than 7 seconds. Therefore, your goal should be to improve your agility and speed over time through proper training.

3. T-Test

T-Test Drill

The T-test is another agility test that measures a person's ability to change directions quickly. The test is named after the shape of the course, which resembles the letter T. To perform this test, set up four cones, with one at the starting line, and the other three forming the T-shape. Sprint forward to the cone at the end of the T, touch the base of the cone, shuffle to the left cone, touch its base, then shuffle back to the right cone, touch its base, and run backward to the starting line. The timer starts on your first movement and stops when you cross the finish line.

The average time for a male basketball player to complete the T-test is around 9 seconds, while for female basketball players, it's around 10 seconds. However, elite basketball players can complete the test in less than 8 seconds. Therefore, your goal should be to improve your agility and speed over time through proper training.


Assessing your motor ability is crucial to improving your basketball performance. By performing the three tests mentioned above, you can determine your current motor ability level and set specific training goals to improve. Remember, the key to improving your motor ability is through consistent practice and proper training. So, start testing yourself today and get ready to improve your basketball skills.

Related video of 3 Tests To Assess Motor Ability For Basketball