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Hand Signals Used By The Referee In Basketball

Basketball is an exciting and fast-paced sport that requires the referees to be quick and decisive. A good referee must have a thorough understanding of the rules of the game, and must be able to communicate effectively with both teams on the court. One of the most important ways that referees communicate during the game is through hand signals. In this article, we will take a closer look at the hand signals used by the referee in basketball.

The Start of the Game

Referee Signaling The Start Of The Game With A Raised Hand.

The game in basketball begins with the jump ball, and the referee uses a specific hand signal to indicate the start of the game. The referee will stand at the center court, with the ball in their hand, and raise their hand straight up in the air. This is a signal for the players to get ready for the jump ball. After a few seconds, the referee will toss the ball up, and the two players who are jumping will try to gain possession of the ball.

Fouls and Violations

Referee Showing The Foul Hand Signal With One Arm Extended And The Other Hand Covering The Fist.

One of the most important roles of the referee in basketball is to monitor the game for any fouls or violations. When a player commits a foul, or there is a violation of the rules, the referee must use a specific hand signal to communicate this to the players and the audience. Some of the most commonly used hand signals for fouls and violations include:

  • Foul: To signal a foul, the referee will extend one arm straight out to the side, with the other hand covering the fist.
  • Traveling: When a player moves illegally with the ball, the referee will make a circling motion with one hand, indicating that the player has taken too many steps.
  • Double Dribble: This violation occurs when a player picks up the ball with both hands and then starts to dribble again. The referee will make a motion of bouncing two balls at the same time, to indicate a double dribble.
  • Out of Bounds: When the ball goes out of bounds, the referee will point in the direction of the team that should be awarded the ball.

Pointing and Counting

Referee Showing The Hand Signal For A Three-Point Shot, By Raising Three Fingers.

Another important role of the referee is to keep track of the score and to communicate this to the players and the audience. To indicate that a basket has been scored, the referee will use a specific hand signal. Some of the most commonly used hand signals for points include:

  • One Point: The referee will make a small circle with their index finger and thumb, indicating that one point has been scored.
  • Two Points: For a two-point shot, the referee will hold up two fingers.
  • Three Points: To signal a three-point shot, the referee will raise three fingers.


Basketball is a fast-paced and exciting game that requires both teams to communicate effectively with each other and with the referees. Referees play a critical role in ensuring that the game is played fairly and within the rules. Hand signals are an important part of this communication process, and referees must use them effectively to ensure that the players and the audience can understand what is happening on the court.

Related video of Hand Signals Used By The Referee In Basketball