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Detailed Lesson Plan In Basic Skills In Basketball

Basketball Skills

Basketball is a popular sport that is enjoyed by many people of all ages. In order to play basketball effectively, it is important to have a strong foundation in the basic skills required to play the game. This lesson plan will focus on teaching students the basic skills in basketball, including dribbling, shooting, passing, and defense.


Basketball Hoop

The objective of this lesson plan is to teach students the basic skills in basketball, including dribbling, shooting, passing, and defense. By the end of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate the skills they have learned and understand the importance of each skill in the game of basketball.

Materials Needed


The following materials are needed for this lesson plan:

  • Basketball
  • Basketball hoop
  • Cones or markers


Basketball Player

Begin by introducing the students to the basic skills in basketball. Explain that in order to play basketball effectively, it is important to have a strong foundation in these skills. Show them each of the skills and explain their importance in the game of basketball.


Basketball Dribbling

Start by teaching students how to dribble the ball. Have them spread out around the court and practice dribbling with their dominant and non-dominant hand. Emphasize the importance of keeping their eyes up while dribbling so they can see where they are going and avoid turnovers.


Basketball Shooting

Next, teach students how to shoot the ball. Demonstrate the proper shooting form, including keeping the ball close to the body, keeping the elbow in, and following through with the shot. Have them practice shooting from different spots on the court, such as the free throw line and the three-point line.


Basketball Passing

After shooting, move on to teaching students how to pass the ball. Show them the different types of passes, such as the chest pass, bounce pass, and overhead pass. Have them practice passing to each other and emphasize the importance of accurate passing to avoid turnovers.


Basketball Defense

Finally, teach students the basics of defense. Show them how to move their feet to stay in front of the offensive player and how to position their body to prevent them from getting past. Emphasize the importance of staying low and using their arms to contest shots without fouling.


In conclusion, this lesson plan has focused on teaching students the basic skills in basketball, including dribbling, shooting, passing, and defense. By the end of this lesson, students should have a solid foundation in these skills and understand their importance in the game of basketball.

Related video of Detailed Lesson Plan In Basic Skills In Basketball