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1-3-1 Full Court Press Defense Basketball

Basketball is not just about shooting hoops and scoring points, it's also about solid defense that can turn the game around. One such defense strategy is the 1-3-1 full court press, which can be a daunting challenge for the opposing team if executed correctly. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the 1-3-1 full court press defense basketball strategy, how it works, and tips to make it successful.

What is 1-3-1 full court press defense basketball?

The 1-3-1 full court press defense basketball is a complex defense strategy that involves five defensive players attempting to intercept or steal the ball from the opposition team. It is called "1-3-1" because it consists of one player at the point, three players in the middle, and one player guarding the baseline. The strategy is designed to put immense pressure on the offensive team by forcing them to make quick decisions while limiting their options to move the ball forward.

The 1-3-1 full court press defense basketball is most effective when the team is trailing late in the game, as it allows them to quickly regain possession of the ball and score points.

1-3-1 Full Court Press Defense Basketball

How does 1-3-1 full court press defense basketball work?

The 1-3-1 full court press defense basketball strategy is executed as follows:

  • The Point - The point defender will be the first line of defense in the middle of the court. Their role is to put intense pressure on the ball carrier, forcing them to turn the ball over or make a mistake. The point defender should be fast, agile, and have excellent ball-handling skills.
  • The Middle - The three defenders in the middle will cover the passing lanes and prevent the opposition from making a quick progression up the court. The middle defenders should be strong, tall, and quick with their movements.
  • The Baseline - The baseline defender will protect the goal and prevent the opposition from making easy baskets. They will also be responsible for intercepting any balls that may come their way. The baseline defender should be tall, aggressive, and have excellent blocking skills.

All five defenders must work together in perfect harmony, communicating and anticipating each other's moves to prevent any gaps or spaces in the defense.

Tips to make 1-3-1 full court press defense basketball strategy successful

Here are some tips to make the 1-3-1 full court press defense basketball strategy successful:

  • Practice, practice, practice - This strategy requires a lot of coordination and synchronization between the players. Regular practice sessions are necessary to perfect the timing, positioning, and movements of each player.
  • Stay focused and aware - The entire team must stay alert and aware of the opposition's movements at all times. Any lapse in concentration can lead to a quick turnover or an easy basket for the opposition.
  • Pressure the ball carrier - The point defender should put intense pressure on the ball carrier, forcing them to make quick decisions and mistakes. This can lead to turnovers and quick baskets for the team.
  • Communicate effectively - Good communication is vital to the success of this strategy. All players must communicate with each other to prevent gaps in the defense and anticipate each other's moves.
  • Exploit the opposition's weaknesses - The 1-3-1 full court press defense basketball strategy can be highly effective against teams with weak ball-handlers or limited passing skills.


The 1-3-1 full court press defense basketball strategy can be an effective way to turn the game around and regain possession of the ball quickly. However, it requires practice, coordination, and effective communication between all players. By following the tips mentioned in this article, you can make the 1-3-1 full court press defense basketball strategy a formidable weapon in your team's arsenal.

Related video of 1-3-1 Full Court Press Defense Basketball: An Ultimate Guide