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Sports Columnist Defends Saying Steph Curry Ruined Basketball

Steph Curry Ruined Basketball

Steph Curry is one of the best basketball players of all time. He has won MVP awards, championships, and broken countless records. However, one sports columnist recently made a controversial statement that many fans disagreed with. He claimed that Steph Curry has ruined basketball. This article will explore the reasons why the sports columnist made this statement and why some people agree with him.

What Did the Sports Columnist Say?

Sports Columnist Defends Saying Steph Curry Ruined Basketball

Grantland columnist, Bill Simmons, made the statement that Steph Curry has ruined basketball during a podcast in 2016. He argued that Curry's style of play has led to a decrease in the amount of ball movement and teamwork in basketball. Instead, he claimed that players are now trying to copy Curry's style of shooting threes from anywhere on the court, rather than focusing on traditional basketball skills like passing and teamwork.

Why Some People Agree with the Sports Columnist

Reasons Why Some People Agree With The Sports Columnist

There are a few reasons why some people agree with the sports columnist that Steph Curry has ruined basketball. Firstly, some fans believe that Curry's style of play is too focused on individual glory and has taken away from the importance of teamwork in basketball. It is true that Curry's shooting ability is exceptional, but some fans argue that it has led to other players trying to copy him and not focusing on their own skills or playing as a team.

In addition, some fans believe that Curry's style of play has made basketball less exciting to watch. They argue that there is now more focus on individual players rather than team dynamics, which can lead to a boring game. Additionally, they argue that the increased focus on shooting threes means that there is less variety in the style of play, making the game less interesting to watch.

Why Some People Disagree with the Sports Columnist

Reasons Why Some People Disagree With The Sports Columnist

Despite the arguments made by the sports columnist, many fans disagree with the idea that Steph Curry has ruined basketball. Firstly, they argue that basketball has always been a sport that evolves and changes over time. Just like any other sport, new techniques are developed and players innovate to become better. Curry's shooting ability is just one example of this.

Furthermore, fans argue that Curry's style of play has actually made basketball more exciting. His ability to shoot from anywhere on the court means that the game is more unpredictable and exciting to watch. Additionally, Curry's success has inspired other players to become better shooters, which has led to more exciting and interesting games.

The Importance of Teamwork in Basketball

The Importance Of Teamwork In Basketball

Despite the arguments made in favor of Steph Curry's style of play, it is important to remember the importance of teamwork in basketball. While Curry's shooting ability is exceptional, it is not the be-all and end-all of basketball. Successful teams need to have a balance of individual skill and teamwork in order to win games.

Furthermore, while it is true that basketball is always evolving, it is important to keep the fundamentals of the game intact. Passing, teamwork, and ball movement are all essential to a successful basketball team. While shooting ability is important, it should not come at the expense of these important aspects of the game.


The statement that Steph Curry has ruined basketball is a controversial one, but there are arguments on both sides. While some fans believe that his style of play has taken away from the importance of teamwork and made the game less exciting, others argue that it has made basketball more unpredictable and interesting to watch. However, no matter what side of the argument you fall on, it is important to remember that basketball is a team sport and that individual shooting ability should not come at the expense of teamwork and ball movement.

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