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Sample Request Letter For Construction Of Basketball Court

Basketball Court

If you are a basketball enthusiast, you would understand the importance of having a basketball court in your locality. Having a basketball court not only helps enhance the physical fitness of individuals but it also helps in promoting the spirit of teamwork, enhances social interaction and boosts the overall well-being of the community.

However, getting a basketball court constructed could be a daunting task as it requires a lot of groundwork and efforts. In such a scenario, writing a request letter to the concerned authorities could prove to be a great help. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you write a sample request letter for the construction of a basketball court:

What Should Be Included In A Sample Request Letter For Construction Of A Basketball Court?

Request Letter

Here are some important points that should be included in a sample request letter for construction of a basketball court:

1. Introduction

You should begin the letter with a brief introduction stating the reason for the letter. Explain why you are writing the letter and what is your motive behind constructing a basketball court.

2. Purpose of the project

In this section, explain the purpose of the project. State the benefits of constructing a basketball court and how it will help the community. For instance, a basketball court will help promote physical fitness, teamwork, and social interaction amongst the community members.

3. Location of the project

It is important to specify the location of the project clearly. Identify the area where you want to construct the basketball court and provide the necessary details of the site, including the landowner's name and the exact location coordinates.

4. Budget and funding sources

Include the budget details and funding sources for the project in this section. Specify the estimated cost of the project, and where the funding would come from. This will help the authorities to assess the feasibility of the project and to provide assistance accordingly.

5. Support from the community

Another important aspect of the letter is to showcase the community support behind the construction of the basketball court. Mention the community organizations that are backing the project and also share any support letters or signatures gathered in favor of the project.

6. Request for approval

Finally, make a direct request for approval of the project in this section. Clearly state what exactly you are asking for, which in this case is the approval to construct a basketball court. Also, mention the expected timeframe for project completion.

Sample Request Letter For Construction Of A Basketball Court

Here is a sample request letter for construction of a basketball court that you can use as a reference:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to express my interest in constructing a basketball court in our community. The purpose of this project is to provide a recreational facility that promotes physical fitness, teamwork, and social interaction amongst community members.

The proposed location of the basketball court is at the vacant lot adjacent to the community center. The landowner, Mr. John Doe, has already agreed to lease the land for the construction of the project.

The estimated cost of the project is around $50,000, and we have already secured $25,000 in funding from local community organizations. We are also in the process of seeking additional funding from the state department of parks and recreation.

We have the full support of the community behind this project, and we have collected several support letters and signatures from the community members in favor of the project.

Therefore, we respectfully request your approval to construct a basketball court at the proposed site. We aim to complete the project within six months from the date of approval.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


[Your Name]


Writing a request letter for the construction of a basketball court can be a daunting task, but with the right approach and guidance, it can be done with ease. Remember to include all the necessary details, such as project purpose, location, budget, community support and approval request, and your letter is sure to make an impact. It's time to take up the initiative and help in promoting physical fitness and social interaction in your community by constructing a basketball court.

Related video of Sample Request Letter For Construction Of Basketball Court