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Michael Jordan Cut From High School Basketball Team

Michael Jordan Cut From High School Basketball Team

Michael Jordan is widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time, but his path to greatness was not always smooth. In fact, Jordan was famously cut from his high school basketball team as a sophomore, a setback that many believe fueled his drive to succeed.

The Cut

Michael Jordan Cut

In 1978, Jordan was a sophomore at Laney High School in Wilmington, North Carolina. He had grown up playing basketball and dreamed of one day playing for the Tar Heels at the University of North Carolina. However, when he tried out for the varsity basketball team that year, he was cut.

It wasn't that Jordan was a bad player. In fact, he had shown promise as a freshman on the junior varsity team. But Laney High School had a strong varsity team that year, and the coaches felt that Jordan was too small and not yet skilled enough to contribute at that level.

Jordan was devastated by the news. He had never experienced failure on the basketball court before, and he wasn't sure how to react. He considered giving up the sport altogether and focusing on baseball, which he also played in high school.

The Motivation

Michael Jordan Motivation

But Jordan's mother, Deloris, saw how much the rejection had hurt him and urged him to keep playing basketball. She told him that he had to work even harder now, to prove the coaches wrong and show that he belonged on the varsity team.

That's exactly what Jordan did. He spent countless hours practicing and honing his skills, working on his jump shot, his ballhandling, and his footwork. He grew four inches over the summer and returned to Laney High School as a junior determined to make the varsity team.

This time, Jordan succeeded. He not only made the team, but he quickly became one of its star players. He led the team in scoring and rebounding that year, and he continued to improve over the next two seasons, earning a scholarship to play at the University of North Carolina.

The Legacy

Michael Jordan College Basketball

Jordan's story of perseverance and determination has become legendary in the world of sports. His ability to bounce back from failure and use it as motivation to succeed has inspired countless athletes and coaches.

But Jordan's path to greatness was not without challenges. He faced criticism and doubt at every level of his career, from high school to college to the pros. It was his ability to overcome those challenges that set him apart and made him one of the greatest basketball players of all time.

So the next time you face a setback or a rejection, remember Michael Jordan. Remember that failure is not the end, but rather an opportunity to learn, grow, and become even better than you were before.

Related video of Michael Jordan Cut From High School Basketball Team