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Man To Man Defense Basketball Drills For Youth

If you are teaching basketball to young players, you know that defense is an essential part of the game. One of the most fundamental defensive strategies is man to man defense. In this article, we will discuss a few man to man defense basketball drills that you can use to train young players.

Drill #1: Close Out Drill

Close Out Drill

The close out drill is an essential drill for developing defensive skills, especially for young players. This drill helps players to learn how to defend the perimeter and close out space effectively. To perform this drill, players should start at the top of the key. The coach can then pass the ball to a player on the wing, who must then dribble towards the baseline. The defender must then close out to the offensive player and try to stop them from scoring.

The close out drill is a great way to teach players how to move their feet quickly and how to close out space effectively. It also helps to teach players how to defend the perimeter and how to prevent their opponents from scoring.

Drill #2: 1 on 1 Drill

1 On 1 Drill

The 1 on 1 drill is a fantastic way to develop defensive skills in young players. This drill is easy to set up and can be used to teach young players how to defend one on one. To perform this drill, players should be divided into pairs. One player should start with the ball, while the other player defends. The offensive player must try to score, while the defender must try to stop them from scoring.

The 1 on 1 drill is a great way to teach young players how to move their feet and how to stay in front of their opponent. It also helps to teach players how to anticipate their opponent's movements and how to react to those movements.

Drill #3: Help and Recover Drill

Help And Recover Drill

The help and recover drill is a great way to teach young players how to defend against screens and pick and rolls. To perform this drill, players should be divided into pairs. One player should start with the ball, while the other player defends. The offensive player should try to drive towards the basket, while the defender should try to stop them from scoring. The coach can also use a screen or a pick and roll to make the drill more challenging.

The help and recover drill is a great way to teach young players how to defend against screens and pick and rolls. It also helps to teach players how to communicate effectively with their teammates and how to recover quickly after helping on defense.


Teaching young players how to play defense is an essential part of coaching basketball. By using the man to man defense basketball drills discussed in this article, you can help your players to develop essential defensive skills that will help them to become more effective defenders. Remember, successful defense is not just about individual effort, but also about communication and teamwork. By teaching young players how to communicate effectively on defense and how to work together as a team, you can help them to become more effective defenders and better basketball players overall.

Related video of Man To Man Defense Basketball Drills For Youth