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Guinness World Record For Spinning Basketball On Finger

Guinness World Record For Spinning Basketball On Finger

Spinning a basketball on your finger is a great trick that many people try to perfect, but have you ever wondered what the Guinness World Record is for this feat? In this article, we will delve into the world of spinning basketballs and find out who holds the Guinness World Record for spinning a basketball on their finger for the longest time.

What is the Guinness World Record for spinning a basketball on your finger?

Guinness World Record For Spinning Basketball On Finger

The Guinness World Record for spinning a basketball on your finger is held by a man named Zachary Piona. He set the record on June 14, 2016, by spinning a basketball on his finger for an incredible 12 hours and 26 minutes. This amazing feat took place in Los Angeles, California, and was witnessed by a large crowd of people.

Who is Zachary Piona?

Zachary Piona

Zachary Piona is a YouTuber, social media influencer, and performer who gained fame for his comedic videos on Vine. He was born on August 1, 1992, in San Diego, California and started his career as a content creator in 2013. He is known for his energetic personality, quick wit, and ability to make people laugh.

Aside from his online presence, Piona is also an accomplished basketball player. He played basketball in high school and college and has been spinning basketballs on his finger for years.

How did Zachary Piona prepare for the Guinness World Record?

Zachary Piona

To prepare for the Guinness World Record, Zachary Piona spent months practicing and training. He worked with a personal trainer to increase his endurance and stamina, and also spent hours each day practicing his basketball spinning technique.

Piona also made sure to eat a healthy diet and get enough rest in the days leading up to the record attempt. He knew that he would need to be in peak physical condition in order to break the record.

What are the rules for spinning a basketball on your finger?

Spinning A Basketball On Your Finger

If you want to attempt to break the Guinness World Record for spinning a basketball on your finger, there are a few rules that you need to follow.

Firstly, you can only use one finger to spin the basketball. You cannot use any other body parts to help keep the ball spinning.

Secondly, the basketball must be a regulation size and weight. You cannot use a smaller or lighter ball, as this would make it easier to spin for a longer period of time.

Finally, the basketball must be spinning continuously. If the ball stops spinning or falls off your finger, the attempt is over.


Spinning a basketball on your finger can be a fun trick to impress your friends, but it takes a lot of skill and practice to do it for an extended period of time. Zachary Piona holds the Guinness World Record for spinning a basketball on his finger for an incredible 12 hours and 26 minutes, a feat that is sure to be hard to beat.

Although breaking the record may seem daunting, it is a great goal to strive towards if you are passionate about basketball and want to challenge yourself. Who knows, you might just be the next person to hold the Guinness World Record for spinning a basketball on your finger!

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