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Controlling The Basketball By Bouncing It With Either Hand

Controlling The Basketball By Bouncing It With Either Hand

Basketball players must have excellent ball-handling skills to be successful on the court. One of the most fundamental skills is being able to control the ball by bouncing it with either hand. This skill is essential for dribbling, passing, and shooting. In this article, we will discuss some tips and techniques to help you improve your ability to control the basketball with either hand.

Why Is It Important To Be Able To Control The Ball With Either Hand?

Basketball Player Dribbling With Either Hand

Being able to control the ball with either hand is important for several reasons. First, it allows you to dribble and move freely on the court without being limited to one side. Second, it makes it harder for defenders to predict your next move, which can give you an advantage. Third, it enables you to pass the ball accurately and quickly to teammates who may be on either side of the court. Finally, it allows you to shoot the ball from different angles and distances, which can increase your chances of scoring.

Techniques For Controlling The Ball With Either Hand

Basketball Player Practicing Hand Positions

There are several techniques that you can use to improve your ability to control the ball with either hand:

Practice Dribbling With Your Weaker Hand

Basketball Player Practicing Dribbling With Weaker Hand

Most players have a dominant hand that they use to dribble the ball. However, it's essential to be able to dribble with your weaker hand as well. To improve your weaker hand's dribbling skills, start by practicing basic dribbling drills with that hand. Over time, you can increase the difficulty of the drills and challenge yourself to dribble faster and with more control.

Use Your Fingers To Control The Ball

Basketball Player Practicing Finger Control

When dribbling or controlling the ball, use your fingers to grip and control the ball. Keep your fingers spread apart and slightly curved to create a larger surface area to grip the ball. Use your fingertips to control the ball's movement and keep it from bouncing too high or too low.

Practice Changing Hands While Dribbling

Basketball Player Practicing Changing Hands While Dribbling

One way to improve your ability to control the ball with either hand is to practice changing hands while dribbling. Start by dribbling the ball with your dominant hand, and then switch to your weaker hand. Practice this technique until you can switch hands seamlessly without losing control of the ball.

Use Your Body To Shield The Ball

Basketball Player Shielding The Ball With His Body

When dribbling or controlling the ball, use your body to shield the ball from defenders. Keep your body between the ball and the defender to make it harder for them to steal the ball. Use your body to create space and protect the ball while you move around the court.

Practice Passing With Both Hands

Basketball Player Practicing Passing With Both Hands

In addition to dribbling, passing is another crucial skill that requires the ability to control the ball with either hand. Practice passing the ball with both hands to improve your accuracy and speed. Start with basic chest passes and progress to more challenging passes, such as bounce passes and overhead passes.


Controlling the basketball by bouncing it with either hand is a fundamental skill that every basketball player must master. By practicing these techniques and tips, you can improve your ability to control the ball with either hand, which will make you a more versatile and effective player on the court.

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