Best Moves To Get Past Defenders In Basketball
Basketball is all about scoring points, and if you want to be a great scorer, you must be able to get past your defender. There are many moves that you can use to get past defenders, and in this article, we will discuss some of the best moves that you can use to get past defenders in basketball.
The Crossover
The crossover is one of the most popular moves in basketball, and for good reason. It is a great way to get past your defender quickly and efficiently. To perform the crossover, you must dribble the ball from one hand to the other in front of your body. As you do this, you should step forward with the foot opposite to the hand you are dribbling with, and then quickly step forward with the foot that is on the same side as the hand you are dribbling with. This will create a quick change of direction that will allow you to get past your defender.
The Between The Legs Dribble
The between the legs dribble is another great move that you can use to get past defenders. To perform this move, you must dribble the ball between your legs from one hand to the other. As you do this, you should step forward with the foot opposite to the hand you are dribbling with, and then quickly step forward with the foot that is on the same side as the hand you are dribbling with. This move can be very effective as it creates a quick change of direction that can catch your defender off guard.
The Spin Move
The spin move is a great way to get past defenders, especially when you are in the post. To perform the spin move, you must start by dribbling the ball towards the defender. As you approach the defender, you should plant your foot on the same side as the hand you are dribbling with and quickly spin around to the other side. This will create space between you and the defender, allowing you to shoot or pass the ball.
The Eurostep
The eurostep is a move that has become very popular in recent years, especially among NBA players. To perform the eurostep, you must start by dribbling the ball towards the defender. As you approach the defender, you should take a big step in one direction with the foot opposite to the hand you are dribbling with. Then, you should quickly step in the opposite direction with your other foot, which will take you past the defender. This move can be very effective as it allows you to change direction quickly and create space between you and the defender.
The Jab Step
The jab step is a simple yet effective move that you can use to get past defenders. To perform the jab step, you must start by standing in front of the defender, with the ball in your hands. Then, you should take a quick step towards the defender, faking a shot or a pass. This will cause the defender to react, and as they do, you can quickly step past them and take the shot or make the pass.
The Conclusion
Getting past defenders is a crucial aspect of basketball, and with the right moves, you can make it happen. The crossover, between the legs dribble, spin move, eurostep, and jab step are just a few of the best moves that you can use to get past defenders in basketball. Practice these moves, and you will become a better scorer and a more effective player.